Table of Contents

CV and Bio

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae [PDF] (updated November 2022)

Short Bio

Pedro A. Ortega is the founder of Daios AI. Previously he was VP of Research at Kosen Labs, and the lead of the Safety Analysis Team at DeepMind. His research focuses on the formal principles of intelligent systems addressing basic questions in AGI and AGI safety research, including bounded-rational & risk-sensitive planning and causal generalization. His approach lies at the intersection between machine learning, computational neuroscience, theoretical economics, and physics. He holds a PhD in Machine Learning from the University of Cambridge (Prof. Zoubin Ghahramani), and has been a postdoc in Cambridge (Prof. Simon Godsill), Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics/Intelligent Systems (Prof. Daniel A. Braun), The Hebrew University in Jerusalem (Prof. Naftali Tishby), and University of Pennsylvania (Prof. Daniel D. Lee and Prof. Alan A. Stocker).


Academic Experience

Professional Experience

Honors & Scholarships