Compute your L-Factor: the number of papers where you were first or last author, minus the number of papers where you were a middle author. You can use the Python code below (requires installing scholarly
and thefuzz
from scholarly import scholarly from thefuzz import fuzz author_name = NAME_HERE search_query = scholarly.search_author(author_name) result = next(search_query) author = scholarly.fill(result) good = 0 bad = 0 # Iterate over publications. for pub in author['publications']: publication = scholarly.fill(pub) authors_string = publication['bib']['author'] authors = [name.strip() for name in authors_string.split('and')] scores = [fuzz.ratio(author_name, name) for name in authors] nauthors = len(authors) max_value = max(scores) max_index = scores.index(max_value) if max_index == 0 or max_index == nauthors-1: good += 1 else: bad += 1 print(f"Authors: {authors_string}") print(f"Good: {good}, Bad: {bad}") lfactor = good - bad print(f"RESULT: {author_name} L-Factor: {lfactor}")