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posts [2024/06/20 13:31] pedroortegaposts [2024/12/25 11:53] (current) – [Blog & Essays] pedroortega
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-====== Posts ====== +====== Blog & Essays ====== 
 +[[third_person|How to translate third-person into first-person experience?]]\\ 
 +[[klderivation|Why does every choice come with an entropy tax?]]\\ 
 +[[compai|Induction and AI]]\\
 [[and_or_kl|And, Or, and the Two KL-Projections]] [[and_or_kl|And, Or, and the Two KL-Projections]]
-====== Old Posts ======+====== Old Stuff ======
-[[freeenergy|A Summary of Bounded Rationality]] +[[freeenergy|A Summary of Bounded Rationality]] \\ 
-[[bayesian_control_rule|Thompson Sampling / Bayesian Control Rule]] +[[bayesian_control_rule|Thompson Sampling / Bayesian Control Rule]] \\ 
-[[causality|Causality, and their measure-theoretic formalization]] +[[mdp|Bayesian Control Rule for MDPs]] \\ 
-[[bayesian_causal_induction|Bayesian Causal Induction]] +[[causality|Causality, and their measure-theoretic formalization]] \\ 
-[[argmaxprior|Arg-Max Prior]] +[[bayesian_causal_induction|Bayesian Causal Induction]] \\ 
-[[belief_flows|Belief Flows]]+[[argmaxprior|Arg-Max Prior]] \\ 
 +[[belief_flows|Belief Flows]] \\
  • posts.1718890298.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/06/20 13:31
  • by pedroortega