This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Blog & Essays ====== [[third_person|How to translate third-person into first-person experience?]]\\ [[klderivation|Why does every choice come with an entropy tax?]]\\ [[compai|Induction and AI]]\\ [[and_or_kl|And, Or, and the Two KL-Projections]] ====== Old Stuff ====== [[freeenergy|A Summary of Bounded Rationality]] \\ [[bayesian_control_rule|Thompson Sampling / Bayesian Control Rule]] \\ [[mdp|Bayesian Control Rule for MDPs]] \\ [[causality|Causality, and their measure-theoretic formalization]] \\ [[bayesian_causal_induction|Bayesian Causal Induction]] \\ [[argmaxprior|Arg-Max Prior]] \\ [[belief_flows|Belief Flows]] \\ posts.txt Last modified: 2024/12/25 11:53by pedroortega