Old Revisions These are the older revisons of the current document. To revert to an old revision, select it from below, click Edit this page and save it. 2024/07/26 18:53 and_or_kl – pedroortega +1 B (current) 2024/07/26 18:52 and_or_kl – pedroortega +91 B 2024/06/20 19:45 and_or_kl – [Final thoughts] pedroortega +50 B 2024/06/20 19:44 and_or_kl – [And, Or, and the Two KL Projections] pedroortega -18 B 2024/06/20 19:43 and_or_kl – [And, Or, and the Two KL Projections] pedroortega -8 B 2024/06/20 13:06 and_or_kl – [Linear mixture] pedroortega +4 B 2024/06/20 13:05 and_or_kl – [Building conjunctions and disjunctions] pedroortega -147 B 2024/06/20 13:03 and_or_kl – [A tale of two coordinate systems] pedroortega -1 B 2024/06/20 13:02 and_or_kl – [And, Or, and the Two KL Projections] pedroortega -14 B 2024/06/20 13:01 and_or_kl – [Building conjunctions and disjunctions] pedroortega -4 B 2024/06/20 12:58 and_or_kl – [Exponential mixture] pedroortega +4 B 2024/06/20 12:58 and_or_kl – [And, Or, and the Two KL Projections] pedroortega +1 B 2024/06/20 12:57 and_or_kl – [And, Or, and the Two KL Projections] pedroortega -48 B 2024/06/20 12:54 and_or_kl – [And, Or, and the Two KL Projections] pedroortega -5 B 2024/06/20 12:53 and_or_kl – [Building conjunctions and disjunctions] pedroortega +1 B 2024/06/20 12:53 and_or_kl – [Exponential mixture] pedroortega +9 B 2024/06/20 12:52 and_or_kl – [Linear mixture] pedroortega -4 B 2024/06/20 12:51 and_or_kl – [Final thoughts] pedroortega -16 B 2024/06/20 12:50 and_or_kl – pedroortega -32 B 2024/06/20 12:46 and_or_kl – created pedroortega +6.4 KB Show differences between selected revisions and_or_kl.txt Last modified: 2024/07/26 18:53by pedroortega