Old News
- 15th July 2014: “Subjectivity, Bayesianism, and Causality” available as a preprint on arXiv.
- 9th December 2013: The NIPS Workshop on Planning with Information Constraints was a success!
- 25th September 2013: Talk “Information-Theoretic Bounded Rationality” at Prof. Jadbabaie's Journal Club.
- 21st August 2013: I am co-organizing the NIPS 2013 Workshop on Planning with Information Constraints.
- 1st August 2013: Joined the GRASP Robotics Lab.
- 15th June 2013: Website made mobile-friendly.
- 6th May 2013: I'm giving the talk “Information-Theoretic Bounded Rationality” at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
- 2nd May 2013: I'm giving the talk “Adaptive Coding of Actions and Observations” at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
- 18 March 2013: I have started a 3-months academic visit at the Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation in Jerusalem, under the supervision of Prof. Naftali Tishby.
- 8 February 2013: I gave the talk “Adaptive Coding of Actions and Observations” at GRASP (UPenn).
- 16 January 2013: I gave the talk “Adaptive Coding of Actions and Observations” at Gatsby.
- 11 December 2012: I gave the talk “Adaptive Coding of Actions and Observations” at the NIPS 2012 Workshop on Information in Perception and Action.
- 12-16 September 2012: I gave a talk at the Workshop on the statistical physics of inference and control theory, Granada 2012.
- 3 September 2012: Our paper “A Nonparametric Conjugate Prior Distribution for the Maximizing Argument of a Noisy Function” got accepted at NIPS 2012.
- 11 June 2012: I'm a speaker and chair at the Max Planck - Chile Research Seminar.
- 11 June 2012: I'm going to give a short talk at the European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning 2012.
- 17 December 2011: The talk “Bayesian Causal Induction” can be found here.
- 15 November 2011: I'm giving the talk “Bayesian Causal Induction” at the 2011 NIPS Workshop on Philosophy and Machine Learning, Sierra Nevada.
- 2nd November 2011: Paper “Bayesian Causal Induction”, ArXiv 1111.0708.
- 26 July 2011: Started working as a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics.
- 21 June 2011: “A Unified Framework for Resource-Bounded Agents Interacting with an Unknown Environment”, final draft, PhD dissertation.
- 4 May 2011: Papers “Information, Utility and Bounded Rationality” and “Reinforcement Learning and the Bayesian Control Rule” accepted at the fourth conference on artificial general intelligence.
- 11 April 2011: Talk “A Minimum Relative Entropy Principle for Learning and Acting”, Symposium of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany.
- 1st November 2010: Joined the EDC (Engineering Design Centre) and the Signal Processing Group as a research associate a the University of Cambridge.
- 30th September 2010: “A Unified Framework for Resource-Bounded Agents Interacting with an Unknown Environment”, 2nd draft, PhD dissertation.
- 21st August 2010: “A Unified Framework for Resource-Bounded Agents Interacting with an Unknown Environment”, 1st draft, PhD dissertation.
- 15th August 2010: “Logic, Reasoning under Uncertainty and Causality”, causality.pdf.
- 7th July 2010: “An axiomatic formalization of bounded rationality based on a utility-information equivalence”, arXiv:1007.0940.
- 2nd July 2010: “A Minimum Relative Entropy Principle for Learning and Acting”, Journal of Artificial Intelligenece Research, JAIR.
- 14th April 2010: “A Minimum Relative Entropy Principle for Learning and Acting”, third version, arXiv:0810.3605.
- 20th February 2010: “Causality”, Talk at CBL, Cambridge, Slides.
- 17th February 2010: “Convergence of the Bayesian Control Rule”, arXiv:1002.3086.
- 7th February 2010: “A Minimum Relative Entropy Controller for Undiscounted Markov Decision Processes”, arXiv:1002.1480.
- 17th December 2009: “A conversion between utility and information”, “A Bayesian Rule for Adaptive Control based on Causal Interventions” to appear in AGI2010.
- 3th December 2009: Talk “A Minimum Relative Entropy Principle for Learning and Acting”, BCCN Berlin.
- 26th November 2009: “A conversion between utility and information”, arXiv/0911.5106.
- 26th November 2009: “A Bayesian Rule for Adaptive Control based on Causal Interventions”, arXiv/0911.5104.
- 14th July 2009: “Nash Equilibria in Multi-Agent Motor Interactions”, Daniel A. Braun, Pedro A. Ortega, Daniel M. Wolpert. PLoS Computational Biology.
- 20th April 2009: Talk “A Minimum Relative Entropy Principle for Learning and Acting”, IDSIA [Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull'Intelligenza Artificiale], Lugano, Switzerland.
- 7th April 2009: Talk “A Minimum Relative Entropy Principle for Learning and Acting”, AI Lab, Department of Informatics, University of Zürich, Switzerland.
- 27th November 2008: “A Bayesian Rule for Adaptive Control” [under review].
- 21th October 2008: “A Minimum Relative Entropy Principle for Learning and Acting”, arXiv:0810.3605.
- 19th September 2008: Zip-Agent simplified.
- 11th April 2008: Zip-Agent is up and running!
- 11th October 2007: Talk “Autonomous Agents under Operational Closure”, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge. Link .
- 31th September 2007: Talk “A Bottom-Up Approach to Intelligent Agents” at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Chile.
- 29th September 2007: Talk “A Bottom-Up Approach to Intelligent Agents” at the Department of Computer Science, University of Chile.
- 1st August 2007: First-year-report “A Unified Framework for Resource-Bounded Agents Interacting with Unknown Environments”.