Old Revisions These are the older revisons of the current document. To revert to an old revision, select it from below, click Edit this page and save it. 2024/12/25 12:40 third_person – [Why does this happen?] pedroortega -110 B (current) 2024/12/25 12:39 third_person – [Why does this happen?] pedroortega +120 B 2024/12/25 12:34 third_person – [How to translate third-person into first-person?] pedroortega +127 B 2024/12/25 12:20 third_person – [Case 2: Teacher supervision] pedroortega +7 B 2024/12/25 12:20 third_person – [Case 2: Teacher supervision] pedroortega +31 B 2024/12/25 12:18 third_person – [Case 1: No confounding, or causally sufficient context] pedroortega +16 B 2024/12/25 12:15 third_person – [Case 1: No confounding or causally sufficient context] pedroortega +1 B 2024/12/25 12:15 third_person – [Imitation learning] pedroortega +40 B 2024/12/25 12:14 third_person – [Core mechanism of imitation] pedroortega +20 B 2024/12/25 12:12 third_person – [Why does this happen?] pedroortega -1 B 2024/12/25 12:12 third_person – [Why does this happen?] pedroortega +1 B 2024/12/25 12:11 third_person – pedroortega -66 B 2024/12/25 12:08 third_person – pedroortega +322 B 2024/12/25 11:56 third_person – [How to translate third-person into first-person?] pedroortega +43 B 2024/12/25 11:55 third_person – pedroortega ±0 B 2024/12/25 11:54 third_person – pedroortega +4 B 2024/12/25 11:54 third_person – pedroortega +105 B 2024/12/25 11:52 third_person – [The problem: actions versus observations] pedroortega +13 B 2024/12/25 11:50 third_person – pedroortega +13 B 2024/12/25 11:49 third_person – pedroortega -2 B Show differences between selected revisionsless recent >> third_person.txt Last modified: 2024/12/25 12:40by pedroortega